

  1. My answer in NO!

    by Stunner 2008-Jan-14 

  2. my answer is also no
    but they will figure out ways and means anyway
    they will make guns out of hairbrushes and whatnot
    best to keep them away from too many gun-wielding type tv shows too.

    by Gods Child 2008-Jan-15 

  3. Categorically NO !! This type of socialization is not positive.Kids should be exposed to more positive influences that/which do not promote and glorify violence,but promote harmony, peace,respect for each other,and assist in the resolution of conflicts.If we are interested in breaking the vicious cycle of violence in our societies,it is extremely essential that we decrease the exposure of kids to violent images shown on television,in movies,and also violence oriented toys such as guns.RESPECT!!

    by Esteban Agosto Reid 2008-Jan-16 

  4. If you give your kids guns, sticks or sugar it doesn't matter. There are lots of ways to go bad and alot of ways to good, you can't watch your kids all day unless you home school them and have arranged marriages. The important thing is that you show them the paths they can take.

    by owen 2008-Jan-17 

  5. guns, sticks, sugar
    one of these things is not like the others.

    by Gods Child 2008-Jan-17 

  6. I've had some sugar and I can tell you, its pretty dangerous, not to mention addictive

    by owen 2008-Jan-17 

  7. i agree with u but i still dont think we need to facilitate any at all...if we dont want them to use guns why give them toy ones to play with...

    by irie diva 2008-Jan-17 

  8. Let them play with their guns, as long as you teach them right from wrong and monitor their company.

    by Leon 2008-Jan-19 
