written by owen on 2004-Nov-07.

For the past couple weeks I've been staying inside, talking to people on msn and doing illegal street racing in London, San Francisco and Tokyo. Don't worry I got my Audi TT at a very cheap cost, since it's all in a video game called Metropolis Street Racer on my recently acquired Sega Dreamcast. I know it is old but I appreciate quality. So far I have driven 7800 km.
This modern day video gaming life style of fast cars, blood and violence all got me thinking. What are we doing to the current generation of children and young adults? As video games become more and more realistic both in appearance and it story. Are we create a generation of trained killers and terrorists?
I remember back in the day when the most popular video game on the planet involve running a maze eating bits of crack cocaine, while being chased by ghosted. Now, in the video games of today you can raise a family, fight aliens, pick up a prostitute on your way to work, kill her and then steal all her hard earned money before lunch time on a sunday. All this can be achieved for a mere 50 US$.
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Damn good post sir, very insightful. You're right though, contemporary video games are definately introducing a scary element to the lives of our children. How bad is it when you actually have to have ratings for video games...which is most of the time ignored by parents purchasing the games for their kids anyhow!
by AngryDog 2004-Nov-08
I see my son with them all the time. He has one called GTA Vice City. Morbid!!! Kill the people and weapons cheats etc. I still like some of those old ones. Pacman Space Invaders and I'm a Gran Turismo fanatic.Waiting on GT4 with abated breath.
by scratchie 2004-Nov-08
GTA is one of the best games ever. It's like 10 games in one. I know, I've played alot of games
by owen 2004-Nov-08
that is a question that every parent should think of when buying the game. last year for my brothers birthday every game he asked for was like vice city. having the chance to test it out in my local target i thought, "i'd be a damn fool!" he was upset but i got him two others instead. if he is going to learn how to pimp a prostitute, steal a car, shoot a fellow criminal while shooting at the police he'll have to learn it from somwhere else. I'd feel so guilty. and for those that say its just a game. it's not. prince made people have sex. (i might be one), madonna made girls want to have pearls (everywhite chick i went to school with), and eazy e brought the ghetto to life for the people who didn't know how to define thier not so usual life (way too many kids i taught and mentored). But if ya grown: do ya thang!!
by Nena 2004-Nov-08
hmm.. vurry cool owen..
but jus wondering.. why is it that guys (in general) are so addicted to video games? totally confuses me..
by that girl 2004-Nov-09
cheap natural high
by owen 2004-Nov-09
that girl could post a question in the questions section, yes it works really.
by owen 2004-Nov-09
i don't think the video games of today are going to create a new breed of terrorists or killers. if anything, it will stop them because the ones who might end up a killer have a vent now, a $50 video game.
by michael_halvorsen 2004-Nov-09
True words, true words...
by Mad Bull 2004-Nov-14
yuh know seh yuh right...from pac man (where obeah a chase yuh) all di way to grand theft auto where the latter is absolutely true as well. is a dyam shame!!!
by aurie 2004-Nov-19
Aah, you freaked me out with that first sentence!
by Mathias Bynens 2004-Nov-21