written by owen on 2004-Oct-12.

I've been busy most of last weekend. Trying to hopelessly catch up with my calculus II class. For my Public Speaking class we had an assignment to speak on a topic which was both very interesting to my classmates and that I knew about. I couldn't think of anything, and by the end of the class people spoke on topics such as cloning, crime (3), education (2), self pleasuring, life and existence, dancehall music and activists, HIV, and faith. Luckily I had a website with a few articles, and with a bit of quick thinking I chose to speak on "network television and ending credits". I waved my hand around, wrote on the white board a bit for illustration, asked a few questions and survived another class. Next calculus 2.
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Did you know that credits at the beginning of a U.S. made movies appear there because of a union called the Screen Actors Guild?
by Stu 2004-Oct-14
interesting fact, stu.. =p
lol priddy original topic too, owen. and btw, those desks in the pict remind me of the ugly (no offence) ones we got at school. yeuch.
by me 2004-Oct-15
Now that you mention it, what is that in the corner on the wall?
by Stu 2004-Oct-15
stu; it's an air vent fan thing. Much like the one used in mission impossible.
by owen 2004-Oct-15
I see the AC. I remember those. I'm talking about the thing on the right side in the corner. Doesn't look like an air vent.
by Stu 2004-Oct-15
it the same thing I am refering to. it's falling out of the all a bit.
by owen 2004-Oct-15
not taking english classes per chnace owen? ;-)
by t 2004-Oct-16
sadly no
by owen 2004-Oct-16