
The random photo journal, page 8

random pictures, taken by people with little stories attached. submit your own photo

Me, my site and I

written by owen, published 2005-Nov-17, comment

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The chat is now v3. Then arie spammed with another meme at me.

Summarise myself in one word

In my reality I'm the only person in Jamaica with that name. Anytime I meet another person with the same name I go balistic like that guy in Highlander. Owen Wilson is a sucky actor.

Summary of my website in one word

yes it looks like its spelt wrong but it isn't. I guess it exists to piss off the "Spelling Bee" finalists among us. An aroma od imperfection maybe. But I think it fits nicely between the information and the nonsense.

To conclude this ... "thing", I am gonna infect some other with this.
The "lucky" ones are who now must take up the task of answering (and spamming) are Stu,
AngryDog and Doctor D

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michael_halvorsen commented: thanks for not passing that shit to me. i don't need another meme now. ... read 4 more

million and one

written by owen, published 2005-Nov-02, comment

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There are a couple pictures of Devon House on the internet. All of the same view. So I thought I would mix it up a bit and post one from outside the fence. I could invoke some sort of meaningful philosophical theme behind it but I won't. You can if you want.

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alex13 commented: the bars being 'black' represent a time in our history when the black slaves did not have access to the comforts of such a house, more than just the comforts the prestige and power that come along with the house. This picture is a reminder of where we are coming from. A day when 'black' people had to view such things from a close, yet far distantce ... read 15 more

Rising Star

written by owen, published 2005-Sep-26, comment

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On Friday I left work late, as has become a new habit of mine. Only to notice that there was heavy traffic on the road at 9:30 p.m. At that time a night heavy traffic meant only one thing - something had gone wrong in the delicate balance of our urban lifestyle in Kingston in Jamaica. Plain clothed police on foot chasing cars in traffic. It was a melting pot - something was going wrong somewhere, I felt I was missing something. Malaise. My cellphone battery was dead. The only thing to do now is find a way home and fast.

You only have to ask another person because no matter where you are in Jamaica the chaos is organized. I hadn't watched Television Jamaica in a good while unbeknownst to me the Rising Stars show had grown imensly popular. And the finally which was to be held on Friday, Sept 23, 2005. Emancipation park reached capacity and people were climbing over the fences to get in, people fainted, the road around the park were jammed and chairs were smashed. All this was happening while I was hacking away at ASP.NET code at my office in Half-Way-Tree.

So the next day decided to go take a few more shots of the statue in Emancipation park for those of you who keep searching the internet for them ever so constantly. Maybe I can reach there early enough to get a good picture of the a broken chair before the cleaning crew arrives to sequester. I am usually lackadaisical on a saturday morning but I can hope for the best. Send the wreaking crew after me. I got there too late so I took a picture of the fountain instead, the stage tent is in the background.

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Green beetle

written by michael_halvorsen, published 2005-Sep-19, comment

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while on a sail boat with my family, i snapped a picture of this little green beetle who came along for the sail on lake erie.

cute little buddy.

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stunner commented: I Hate Bugs (or beetles or whatever the likkle critters are)!!! Well except ladybugs, I think they are cool. ... read 1 more

Used To Love You

written by owen, published 2005-Aug-31, comment

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Failed my driving test again. Damn, dam, dam. 20 more days. Oh yeah and she passed. Its too freaking easy to fail that thing.

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kami commented: wuh you did wrong? ... read 21 more