
The random photo journal, page 42

random pictures, taken by people with little stories attached. submit your own photo

Stray Cat

written by owen, published 2022-Apr-25, comment

Only way you going to get a cat in Jamaica to stay still is when they are hungry and think you have food.

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Decorating a tree

written by owen, published 2021-Dec-29, comment

This was from all the way back in November 2021.

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Square 1 by 1 aspect

written by owen, published 2021-Dec-10, comment

This day, or maybe a couple days I switched the camera to 1:1 square aspect ratio. I do not think it improves my composition any at all. I fear losing the edges from the default 3:2 ratio that I shoot. It does have its appeal however, it kinda forces me to focus more on what is in the center of the picture. Next time I should try shooting in colour. These are from Liguanea, Soverign, and Olympia gallery.

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written by owen, published 2021-Sep-25, comment

Here are some black and white shots from the time I spent at Hyatt because flying overseas in this weather is not going to happen. This was my first real vacation with the new camera. I toggled between BW and colour but the BW definately won out mostly.

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White sheets on a line

written by owen, published 2021-Sep-10, comment

It is not often that I see a line full of white sheets drying in the sun by the sea. Saw this in St. Elizabeth

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