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Am I the only one who doesn't understand what the Taylor Swift hoopla is all about?

I'm baffled by this phenomenon.

written by Memoirs of A Dater on 2010-Feb-02, Answer this question4

Gods Child answered: you don't understand the star-maker machinery behind the popular song? Call Joni Mitchell, she'll tell you. ... read 3 more

Is it possible to over feed my pet fish?


written by owen on 2010-Jan-19, Answer this question12

Gods Child answered: yes you should probably follow the directions on the box unless you plan to eat him ... read 11 more

2009, worst year ever?

people are saying, but why? its wasn't that bad.

written by owen on 2009-Dec-28, Answer this question10

ESTEBAN AGOSTO REID answered: For me, a terrible year indeed. But I do not know if it is the worst year ever,irrespective of the economic recession/depression. ... read 9 more

Why do you delete certain people from facebook?

under what circumstances

written by owen on 2009-Dec-01, Answer this question3

Aurie answered: i echo md bull's sentiments for sure ... read 2 more

Where is the strangest place that someone has ever tried to flirt with you?

New blog topic, plus was chatting about it with some friends this weekend.

written by Flourescent Beige on 2009-Nov-30, Answer this question8

Gods Child answered: in a hospital bed and I think he read my chart when he wasn't supposed to ... read 7 more