Am I the only one who doesn't understand what the Taylor Swift hoopla is all about?
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written by Memoirs of A Dater on 2010-Feb-02.
I'm baffled by this phenomenon.
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you don't understand the star-maker machinery behind the popular song? Call Joni Mitchell, she'll tell you.
by Gods Child 2010-Feb-03
the real question is "y u be ating on a playa?"
by owen 2010-Feb-03
Like Common says, "If I don't like it, I don't like it...that don't mean that I'm hatin"
I just don't get it. She sounded horrid at the Grammy's, she's not particularly attractive...I've Googled ad nauseum to see what I missed...maybe it's because she's 20?
Mi nuh know. Just hoped someone could shed some light.
by SE 2010-Feb-08
I don't know, the video doesn't even make any sense. I have grown to not question why Americans like certain things;

by owen 2010-Feb-09
I don't get it either.
by Jammy 2010-Feb-03
dun know
by marqthompson 2010-Mar-02
No, I don't either. Same with Young Money and the other modern day "rappers"
by Apocalypse 2010-Apr-14
by Sanjid Mahmood Hamim 2010-Jul-13