
Questions, page 45

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How much bandwidth/calories do you eat?

on an average day

written by owen on 2009-Jun-19, Answer this question4

Gods Child answered: I have no idea--how would I find that out? ... read 3 more

What do you think of this Twitter thing?

Is it it any good? Is it the new way to stalk?

written by owen on 2009-Jun-01, Answer this question13

Tami answered: Not even on FB do i have an urge to give a status update every umteenth second. I'm hoping we get a massive power cut for like a week soon and all cell phones go dead. Suicides will be committed. LOL ... read 12 more

If you saw ME in a police car what would you think I got arrested for?

Just wondering...

written by Mad Bull on 2009-May-22, Answer this question17

ESTEBAN AGOSTO REID answered: I would not think that you were being arrested for anything, if I saw you in a police vehicle.On the contrary, I would be of the perspective, that you were/are being a responsible citizen, exercising your civic duty, by assisting law enforcement, in some form or capacity to resolve some form of crime, by furnishing the authorities with the pertinent information, to resolve the crime or criminal issue at hand. Also,I would not consider you an INFORMA in the pejorative use of the term, but just a law abiding citizen DOING THE RIGHT THING. Nonetheless, since you ask the question, I would probably say, you were picked up---arrested--- for using expletives,jay walking, or mistaken identity.Nuff respect, Star!! ... read 16 more

Should I allow my cousin to bring an unnamed, undescribed guest to my wedding?

related image

Fights are breaking out in my immediate family over this. I think no. Other people have other opinions.
All I know is I've been starving to save for this wedding. She can go to hell.

written by Gods Child on 2009-Apr-29, Answer this question18

Stunner answered: It's your wedding, your rules, full stop! ... read 17 more

What will prevent me from getting to heaven?

if I make a start.

written by owen on 2009-Apr-12, Answer this question4

Gods Child answered: the only thing that can stop you is if you decide you don't want it ... read 3 more