Has spying ever seemed a more glamorous profession?
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written by Gods Child on 2010-Jul-02.

Check out the recent stories about Russian spy Anna Chapman (alias)and tell me if it doesn't make you dream of becoming a secret agent/party goer.
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oh wait, it turns out Anna Chapman is her real name. . . not her Alias. I'm sure she would have come up with a more glamorous sounding alias.
by Gods Child 2010-Jul-02
where can I get a spy job. I assume it's even more strict of spy romance. I would like details of the money and hours. I bet there are even more beautiful spies than her, we just don't know they are who they are.
by RB 2010-Jul-02
I have been allergic to torture since I was a child
by owen 2010-Jul-03
You are being tortured already.
Think of it, you could have an exciting job for years and years and then only when caught, endure a few hours of torture before they realize you will never talk. . .
or you could endure years and years of excrutiating torture sitting behind a desk and then after that retire for a few years of bliss which you can barely enjoy because of carpal tunnel syndrome
by Gods Child 2010-Jul-06
well the only torture I like is the slow and boring kind
by owen 2010-Jul-07
by Sanjid Mahmood Hamim 2010-Jul-13
Spying????.......Im observant so i call it observation (^_-)
by Toya 2011-Mar-05
No. Was a surveillance expert.
by Cate Jones 2011-May-03
yes... very interesting... and glamorous
by Yahja 2011-Sep-11
yes of course ..i am pretty good at it
by tay 2012-Jul-13