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written by Breakspeare on 2007-Mar-08.

In the midst of a rebellion. Well not really! Heading to a river near six miles, off Mandela highway. See what a little smoke, burning bush and a man wid a machete can paint? just kids waving and lil sis somewhere there in her bright green wid beach bag.
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Interesting photo.
by Leon 2007-Mar-08
Very interesting photo... if he never offered the explanation, I would have been wondering what the heck was going on...
by madbull 2007-Mar-08
yes, they look like the lost their way to the anti-bush demonstration in Sao Paulo
by Gods Child 2007-Mar-09
Interesting photo indeed! Looks like some war torn area. Thanks for stopping by my photoblog.
by Stunner 2007-Mar-09
Not reading the details, i'd think it was Iraq.
by Tami 2007-Mar-14