A shadowy Affair
Page is part of The shadow project in which you can submit your own photo
written by Ayo on 2012-Nov-29.

Very cool idea .... you never know when something as random as 'Bat Man co staring in your shot' may happen!
permanent link. Find similar posts in The shadow project.
i confused is that written on the ground or in the picture?
by owen 2012-Nov-29
hehe no I wrote that in - but wouldn't that be cool if I could get that as an actual shadow. Hmmmnnn
by Ayo 2012-Nov-29
cool but impossible
by owen 2012-Nov-30
yea shadows don't seem to have varying shades ... oh well!
by Ayo 2012-Dec-02
all depends on how you move;

by owen 2012-Dec-02
kool.... where do you find these things man! lol
by Ayo 2012-Dec-03