
Drive By, page 3

leave you far behind submit a photo

Jan 2023

written by owen, published 2023-Oct-09, comment

The last time I posted in this category was 3 years ago almost to the day.

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On the way from Ochi

written by owen, published 2020-Oct-08, comment

With my camera still on black and white I took some pictures of the rain in the distance. I particularly liked the one with the escape lane. These pictures were taken when the car was in motion but I was NOT the one one driving, lol.

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Grab one to go

written by owen, published 2020-Sep-22, comment

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New Highway to Ochi

written by owen, published 2016-Sep-13, comment

Last weekend I took a trip on the new leg of the highway to Ochi Rios before the toll prices increase yet again. I must say that I am disappointed with the speed limits on this thing, 80 kmph on flats, 60 around corners is just unacceptable for the amount of money you have to shell out.

It was not cheap to build, I counted at least 12 mountains that had to be cut straight through. Got to applaud the Chinese for their tenacity in doing difficult things.

I paid 920$ each way for a car. Only advantage is you get to Ochi in 1 hour mash driving at the speed limit, skip both Mount Rosso and Flat Bridge.

Look out for speed traps. Anyway pics below.

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Driving into the rain in the hills

Driving into the rain in the hills

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Rest stops?

Rest stops?

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Made it in one piece

Made it in one piece

comment 2

mad bull commented: TGUMIIOP... or, thank God U made it in one piece. [biggrin] ... read 1 more

Extra Lights

written by owen, published 2012-Jul-16, comment

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While driving (being driven) around in Barbados I noticed that they had tons of extra stop lights and arrow lights. Considering that they don't drive that fast and are really patient it is quiet surprising.
