
Questions, page 5

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what is a colon

i need to no for a health and social care lesson

written by sara on 2003-Oct-08, Answer this question4

What is a physiotherapist

I am to see one

written by alzine on 2003-Oct-07, Answer this question4

owen answered: oh wow, your going to see a physiotherapist and you don't know what they do? I need better reasons for these questions. Anyway physiotherapists deal with physical therapy : the treatment of disease by physical and mechanical means (as massage, regulated exercise) Mostly neck and back problems, and sports injuries ... read 3 more

Why do airlines use the twenty four hour clock?


written by NOC on 2003-Oct-06, Answer this question10

owen answered: now this is one of those questions you hope people never ask. Yes it is a lucid question. The 24 hour clock is obviously better. Why is it better? because the 12 clock is simply not efficient. And the [b]training[/b] is simply not a good enough reason for anybody to answer that question. ... read 9 more

How big is an oyster when it is born?

I ask, because it is my project and I search all over but I can't find it.

written by jeans on 2003-Oct-01, Answer this question1

the fool answered: Depending on how technical you are (aka smart) it's either 160 micron or 45 micron relatively. Based on what I think is your definition of being "[b]born[/b]". [bu]Read[/bu] [url][caption]Knysna Oyster Company (Pty) Ltd: Oyster Facts[/url] [url][caption]How does an oyster grow?[/url] [url][caption]Oysters[/url] ... read more

flash project added

written by owen, published 2003-Oct-01, comment

related pictureI've had some swf files on my machine since 2000 (for those who don't know what swf files are don't worry about it ). Anyhow they were technically gathering dust so I uploaded them so that people can laugh at me. Plus it can be considered as content which you might have noticed that I have a lack there of. Most of the animations are unfinished and are best suited for people with high-speed connections or patience.
Though I no longer use the application, others might find my previous stuff interesting.
View The Flash Scrapbook ( 1999-2001 ).

thumb picture

from eP emptyPictures is photoblog website with photography. Bright colours are cool.

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