
The random photo journal, page 36

random pictures, taken by people with little stories attached. submit your own photo

Stuck in Traffic

written by owen, published 2018-Nov-18, comment

A speaker at the #JCS tech forum said that the number of cars on the road could possibly rise by 50% but I do not see how thats physically possible since if all the cars were lined up on the road it would stretch from downtown to Liguanea easily. Public transportation here is trash so it encourages cars which creates traffic with makes public transportation trash.

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Lamp Post

written by Anonymous, published 2018-Sep-21, comment

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DIY lessons in oil paint

written by owen, published 2018-Jun-20, comment

Its messy, real messy. First step is make sure you mix the whole can thoroughly for roughly 5 minutes because oil paint tends to settle and in so doing separate like oil and water (literally). Make sure you have lots of paint thinner on hand and the floor covered with sheets because it is a pain to get rid of when it drips.

Get a new paint brush or be prepared to throw away the old one once you are done. The oil paint is thick so when you at thinner to it, it just creates more and more paint which is impossible to clean up once it start spreading and drying on everything. So you might as well trash the paint brush because there is no way that you are going to get it fully clean without adding 10 gallons of paint thinner.

And do not try to be smart and add water to the thinner because water simply makes the paint float on the surface creating a bigger mess.

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Pine and 2005

written by owen, published 2018-Apr-30, comment

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Pine and 2004

written by owen, published 2018-Apr-27, comment

Fancy baubles, team building field trips, bangers and banks.

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