

Information about this site and it's author.

A blog/journal/community/personal website designed and developed by Owen. read | comment | upload pictures | ask & answer questions. There is more here than I can ever hope to explain in 2 sentences.

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The author who created this wonderful website?.

The website the wonderful website.

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Owen I always knew you had talent, I am proud of you love your site, I visit everyday, almost (lol)
Georgia ( Boynton Beach, Florida )

Some how i think you are the only one capable of figuring out my name "hecklefind". Me i am from outerspace and i am sure we crossed path once somewhere near the outer rims. You are from deep deep space.... hope to get there myself one day.
Bobby ( Portmore )

Just giving a holla. Its been a while since i visited ur site.
MiTcHiE ( Kgn Jamaica )

Da blog yah my yute.
Stunner ( Kingstun )

Hey Owen... u know you spelt 'beauty' wrong on yu webpage right?
Vaughn McCubbin ( Sitt'n spell wrong )

Hey what's up Owen. You site is immaculate. Now I see why you deserve to be in the's top 5 pages.
Aurie ( New Jersey, by way of Kingston-Jamaica )

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